The series kicks off on Wednesday, July 24th, with the Sarah Hanahan Quartet, led by the talented New York City-based saxophonist currently pursuing her Master's Degree at The Juilliard School. The following evening, July 25th, features West Philly's own vibraphonist Hudson River, a rising star known for her captivating street performances and eclectic musical style.
On Friday, July 26th, the Hailey Brinnel Quintet takes the stage, with special guest trumpeter Summer Camargo adding to the excitement. Brinnel, a finalist in the 2021 Sarah Vaughan International Jazz Vocal Competition and a rising star in her own right, is sure to deliver a mesmerizing performance.
The series culminates on Saturday, July 27th, with the Laura Orzehoski Quintet. Orzehoski, a talented trombonist and student at Temple University, has already performed at prestigious venues like Dizzy's Jazz Club and Birdland in New York City.
Mark DeNinno, chef/owner of Chris' Jazz Café, shared his vision for the series, stating, "We plan to host several festivals and workshops focusing on women in the coming year. We hope this program will bring attention to female-focused events while fostering bonds between local female artists, where they can hone their craft while creating collaborations that lead to friendships, community support, mentorships, and networking in the jazz industry."
Tickets for all shows are available now, including Dinner & Show packages (featuring a 3-course chef tasting menu), VIP options, and General Admission tickets. For those unable to attend in person, the performances will also be streamed live on Chris' Jazz Café's YouTube channel.
Don't miss this opportunity to witness the next generation of female jazz instrumentalists as they take the stage at Chris' Jazz Café. This series promises to be an inspiring and unforgettable celebration of talent, diversity, and the power of music to connect us all.