“No Middle Cla$$” By King Saladeen

PHILADELPHIA - Corridor Contemporary presents the anticipated solo exhibition of King Saladeen. On Friday, November 11, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., the exhibition titled “No Middle Cla$$” featuring Saladeen’s multimedia homage to the city of Philadelphia will open to the public.

“No Middle Cla$$” By King Saladeen

The exhibition revolves around Saladeen’s experience growing up in Philadelphia and honors his childhood in the city. His multi-media approach pulls the viewer into the art and makes them feel like they are walking down the streets of Philadelphia with Saladeen.

“My work has always been concerned with commemoration, remembering, and showing pride in my story. With ‘No Middle Cla$$’, I want to bring you with me into my meditations on the landscape of my childhood, but I also want to give you a lens for seeing some of those struggles and all the existing promises. So, while the works I present in ‘No Middle Cla$$’ demonstrate my self-taught skill in their textured, multi-media approach, they are also an incredibly exciting homage to the city of my childhood and a full-circle moment for me,” says King Saladeen.

Throughout the time the exhibition is on view, Corridor Contemporary and King Saladeen will be hosting "In Conversation with King Saladeen" artist talks. During these events, Saladeen will explore the body of work in “No Middle Cla$$” in detail with moderators. They will also be hosting school visits at the gallery, where local children will see the art and talk to King Saladeen about his time growing up in the city and how he pursued his passion for art.

“We are honored to feature ‘No Middle Cla$$’ at the gallery. King Saladin is an inspiration in Philadelphia and beyond, and we are really excited to show his latest body of work” - Damian Munoz, Corridor Contemporary’s Gallery Director. "Inner City Blues" by King Saladeen

The exhibition will be on view until the end of December. The gallery is open to the public Sunday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. For more information, go to their website www.corridor-contemporary.com.