Commonweal Gallery to Spotlight Two LGBTQ Artists in Philly

PHILADELPHIA, PA - Shopping contemporary is easier than ever this holiday season with Commonweal gallery. Commonweal is happy to announce a brand new exhibit this month.

Commonweal Gallery to Spotlight Two LGBTQ Artists in Philly
Photo: Alexei Mansour: Affordable Edition

Along with a new exhibit, the gallery is featuring three-holiday pop-up shopping experiences throughout the month for visitors to buy locally curated gifts for the season to encourage supporting the arts community of Philadelphia. Commonweal plans to donate 10% of all design sales from these holiday pop-up shops to The Attic Youth Center of Philadelphia.

Commonweal opened this October and has focused on exhibiting the work of Philadelphia artists and designers from the city. Alex Conner, its owner, saw a need for a commercial space for Philadelphia creators to exhibit their work and used his experience to introduce under-represented voices to new audiences. The gallery has been successful in its first two opening months, with various events for the public to enjoy. Commonweal encouraged, and continues to encourage, the public to participate in family workshops, artist events, and much more than the gallery offers.
Alexei Mansour's work will be exhibited this month at Commonweal
Alexei Mansour: Affordable Edition

This month at Commonweal, two artists part of the LGBTQ community, Alexei Mansour, and Erik Adriel Peterson will occupy the gallery’s walls with their beautifully imaginative mixed media works. Alexei Mansour has been immersed in a contemporary interpretation of the culture of antiquity throughout his life. His pieces reflect his childhood and his reconciling of his queer identity with these cultural symbols. Erik Adriel Peterson creates art that depicts psychological events, experiences, and emotions while blurring the line between truth and fantasy.
Erik Adriel Peterson will be exhibiting his work this December at Commonweal.
Erik Adriel Peterson: Affordable Edition

Commonweal is elated to be hosting three-holiday pop-up shops this month. December Designer Events include one on December 2nd featuring designer Sean Gerstley, December 10th featuring Alexander Rosenberg and Forge & Finish, and December 16th with designers Ben Peterson, Keun Ho Peter Park, and Isabella Akhtarshenas. With these pop-up events, Commonweal encourages the city and surrounding areas to shop contemporary and shop their community. The pop-up designs are handmade, unique, and one of a kind- perfect for giving this holiday season. Additionally, 10% of all design sales for the month go directly to The Attic Youth Center of Philadelphia.

Along with the holiday pop-ups, this month, Alexei Mansour and Erik Adriel Peterson will both be hosting artist events to accompany their exhibition at Commonweal.