Tracking John Hancock's Philadelphia Legacy

PHILADELPHIA - Like Samuel Adams, John Hancock's primary sphere of influence lay in his native Boston.  However, his presence in Philadelphia during pivotal moments of the American Revolution left a mark on the city. Here's where to explore.

The Cradle of Liberty

  • Independence Hall (6th and Chestnut Streets): As president of the Second Continental Congress, Hancock boldly penned his iconic signature on the Declaration of Independence. Stand in the very room where this defiant act unfolded.
  • Congress Hall (6th and Chestnut Streets): Hancock played a vital role in the early Congress. It was within these walls that the decision to form a Continental Army under George Washington's leadership was made.
  • City Tavern (138 S 2nd Street): A social hub for revolutionaries, Hancock would undoubtedly have strategized and debated with fellow patriots over meals and drinks in this historic setting.
  • Christ Church Burial Ground (5th and Arch Streets): Pay respects to other prominent figures of the revolution who rest here, reminding us of the interconnected network of founding figures of which Hancock was a part.

Beyond the Landmarks

  • Hancock's Signature: Look for examples of his distinctive script on historical documents housed at museums like the Museum of the American Revolution or archives like the Historical Society of Pennsylvania.
  • Seafaring Connections: As a wealthy merchant, seek out sites related to Philadelphia's bustling 18th-century maritime trade along the Delaware waterfront, reflecting Hancock's commercial background.

Important Notes:

  • Limited Footprint: Hancock's physical presence in Philadelphia was temporary, mainly centered around Congress sessions. His lasting impact lies in his actions as a leader.
  • Guided Tours: Specialized history walks focused on the Revolutionary era offer expert insights into Hancock and his contemporaries.
  • Boston's Abundance: For a deeper exploration of John Hancock's life, visit his home city of Boston, where far more historical sites are connected to him.


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