Folcroft has a median age of 36. The median family size is 3.6 people. The city has a diverse population, with many people from different backgrounds living in the area. Folcroft ranks 719th in the United States for diversity and 26th in the state.
Folcroft is a small suburb of Philadelphia in Delaware County. New Sweden settlers in the mid-1600s founded it. The area became a residential suburb of Philadelphia in 1874 and was incorporated as a borough in 1922. The population was 6,621 at the time of the 2016 Census.
The unemployed population in Folcroft, PA, is about 30%. This number is higher than the national average of 93.2 percent. Unemployment rates are determined by the number of adults who are not working and the percentage of those actively looking for work. The official unemployment rate is called the U3 measure. Folcroft's unemployment rate is higher than that of most towns because of the town's large population of military veterans.
The median household income in Folcroft, PA, is $56,169. This is slightly less than the $64,994 average for the U.S. Census Bureau. The state's Gini index is 0.466, which is lower than the national average of 0.478. This means that wages in Folcroft are more evenly distributed than the national average. Folcroft, PA, is home to two thousand people, and its economy employs approximately 2,900 people.